Serdecznie zapraszamy na epilog tegorocznego Festiwalu Boska Komedia, spotkanie z Olgą Tokarczuk: W poszukiwaniu czułego odbiorcy”. Nagranie będzie dostępne od godziny 22:00, 25 grudnia 2020 roku, na platfmormie PLAY KRAKÓW.


In Search of a Tender Audience. Meeting with Olga Tokarczuk

Moderator: Tomasz Domagała

This year's edition of the Divine Comedy is accompanied by the slogan "Tender Narrator" taken from Olga’s Tokarczuk Nobel Lecture. As part of the festival epilogue, we invite you to a meeting with the writer. This time the point of reference will be the theater. We will talk about the alchemy of the image, experiments with the story and form in literature and on the stage, as well as the search for truth in the world of fake news. We will ask how the Nobel Prize laureate – a regular in theaters – experiences her works being staged, and how she felt watching the adaptation of  "Flights" directed by Michał Zadara.

Projekt jest współfinansowany ze środków Gminy Miejskiej Kraków oraz Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego.