Viewers Service Office

Phone reservation:

504 416 796

Ticket reservations can be made by phone or e-mail during the ticket office opening hours:

Tuesday: 10:00-16:00
Wednesday: 12:00-18:00
Thursday: 12:00-18:00
Friday: 12:00-18:00

IMPORTANT INFORMATION! Your e-mail reservation is not valid until you receive a reply with a confirmation.

Subscribers to our NEWSLETTER are eligible for special ticket offers.


Teatr Łaźnia Nowa
os. Szkolne 25
31-977 Kraków
Account no.: 82 1020 2892 0000 5102 0591 0304 (PKO Bank Polski)

In transfer name please specify:

  • title and date of the show, 
  • number of tickets and discounts if applicable, 
  • name and surname of the ordering person.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION! Payment through bank transfer can be done ONLY after booking has been made and confirmed!


Invoices are issued up to 7 working days after ticket purchase.

If payment has been made via bank transfer, the invoice can be issued only to the person or institution that transferred the payment.

Bill-to information should be sent to the following address: BILETY@LAZNIANOWA.PL