Thunderous applause, laughter and tears. The audience was very emotional in their response to Michał Borczuch's performance. The most impressive aspect of the show was undoubtedly the participation of amateur actors who created a truly special atmosphere through their physicality and material appearance on stage. Michał Borczuch's show is loosely based on Dante's Paradiso – the final part of his monumental Divine Comedy. The idea behind the performance largely based on improvisation is that theatre, paradise and autism can complement one another to create a new, coherent and authentic world.
Paradiso originated as a fantasy on the logic governing the world as experienced by people with various forms of autism. An essential character in Dante's Divine Comedy is the guide who explains the world to the protagonist. It could be expected that in Paradiso this role would be taken on by professional actors. But although they provide an essential framework for all stage occurences and initiate key elements of action, only autistic persons themselves can explain their alternative world, because it is them who define the rules according to which this world functions.